
I'm using view to get different columns from two tables and using that view to generate the report in excel. 

So my question is : After the 5-6 years the data will be large inside the view which I'm using currently, so is there any alternate way to get the data faster as compared to view in Appian.

Thank you.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Depends on what you are trying to do.

    Is this an actual report you are generating or are you just doing an export of the data? It you're doing an export, you can only export 50K rows.

  • Actually I just gave the overview of my project. My exact question is after 5-6 years the data will be larger in the view so fetching particular data is time taking, then what should I use instead of view to get the data faster.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to prachit0003

    Sorry, but your "overview" misses the most important numbers:

    - Number of rows in both tables as of now

    - Number of rows added per year in both tables

    Then some questions:

    - How often do you run that report?

    - Does a user need to wait or is this generated in the background?

    - Did you consider synced records?

    - Did you already implement database optimisation? Indexing, foreign keys etc...

  • It is Travel booking application first table have Booking (Table 1) details done by the user and second table have Travel package (Table 2) added by the application admin.

    - Number of rows in both tables as of now :  now Table 1 have 200 rows and Table 2 have 150 rows.

    - Number of rows added per year in both tables : Consider Table 1 have 1000 rows and Table 2 have 200 rows.

    - How often do you run that report? : One is running monthly and other daily, and user can also generate report on his demand by providing date and time from interface, and based on user input it check the data in view and gives the result.

    - Does a user need to wait or is this generated in the background? : For generating the report I'm providing a link and startProcess inside interface, as the user clicks on click the process gets started.

    - Did you consider synced records? : Yes  

    - Did you already implement database optimisation? Indexing, foreign keys etc... : I'm using record types in application so implemented relationship between record types. Table 1 has foreign key of Table 2 primary key.

    Inside view I'm using Inner join and comparing the foreign key of Table 1 and primary key of Table 2.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to prachit0003

    That's not a whole lot of data even after 6 years.

    You never answered my question - is this just a straight data export or are you doing some number crunching and generating some kind of report in Excel?

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