Just want to open a link in a New tab

                label: "Ticket Id",
                value: a!richTextDisplayField(
                  value: a!richTextItem(
                    text: fv!row.issueId,
                    link: a!dynamicLink(
                      saveInto: {
                        a!save(local!selectedTicketId, fv!row.issueId),
                        a!save(local!showDetailsPage, true()),
                        a!save(ri!showLinkedIssues, true()),
                        a!save(ri!newShowDetailsPage, false())
                    linkStyle: "STANDALONE"

Can we open a dynamic link in a new tab or is there any way to open in new tab 

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    To open a dynamic link in a new tab, you can use the HTML "target" attribute. You would need to modify the code you provided to include this attribute. Here's how you can do it:

      label: "Ticket Id",
      value: a!richTextDisplayField(
        value: a!richTextItem(
          text: fv!row.issueId,
          link: a!dynamicLink(
            saveInto: {
              a!save(local!selectedTicketId, fv!row.issueId),
              a!save(local!showDetailsPage, true()),
              a!save(ri!showLinkedIssues, true()),
              a!save(ri!newShowDetailsPage, false())
            linkStyle: "STANDALONE",
            attributes: {
              target: "_blank"  /* This opens the link in a new tab */

    By adding the "target" attribute with the value "_blank," the link will open in a new browser tab or window when clicked.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to srikanthreddy9369

    Was this reply written by ChatGPT or something?  There has never been an "attributes" parameter for a!dynamicLink() and, at the risk of parroting Stefan who's 100% right, nothing like what was shown here would actually do anything.

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