Hi everyone,
We had a summarized task list ( SOURCE : View ) in a grid , where we have rows coming from so many record types.
We had a recordlink present for every id, once clicked it have to redirect it's concerned record type dynamically.
So could you please help me retrieve the object type using its UUID.- Once provided it had to retrieve the recordtype, which i will pass dynamically to the recordtype input in a!recordlink().
If anybody worked on any type of this scenario, please help me on this.
Thanks in Advance
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in this scenario you would have to make sure that you have same view for all record types.
There is one workaround that you can think of. Create a view on database level where you will union all types into one common view then define record type for that view so you will have one recordlink with one view.
I don't think it's possible to do this with the UUID. Anything else you could use to determine the Record Type?
We already created a table for all record types. Record type name will be saved as simple text. The issue is how to convert this text to record Type while using in a!recordlink()??
Create the record type constants with same name and use getconstantvaluebyname()