Need to store group in db - what should i store to identify group?

What should I persist in the db to identify a group?

I may need to migrate this to another system IE: Dev to Test

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    There's no very easy way to do both.

    A group exists in an environment primarily identified by its environment-specific ID (which is just an integer).  There is also a UUID that underlies the group, but this is not easy to use (iirc there's no direct way to programatically get a group Object/ID matching a UUID if you have one to start with).

    For storing a group in the DB that means the only really good option is storing the Group ID.  You can deploy that group to another environment just fine but you *must* build around the fact that its Group ID will almost always be different in other environments.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    Hi Mike,
    If we deploy groups from dev to test, won't they have the same group IDs since the same object is getting moved from lower environment to higher environment?

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