Redirect to Another URL depending on the Section for Right Customer Feedback

I run a small cleaning business in australia, so I need to collect reviews/feedback from customers, but I want to avoid negative reviews, so I am trying to create a page on my website that has buttons for redirection based on what customer choose. But the problem with a page with buttons is, users can anytime come back to the page and click again on other button to leave negative review, so it will backfire.

So, I seriously need a fullproof method to use redirection method so I can collect positive reviews on GMB and negative feedback on a form so I cam improve on those points.

Is there anyway I can use any platform different from Wordpress for my feedback page? Or can create a completely different feedback page with html? (also I don’t want Google to index my feedback page so my competitors won’t see my method).

Any help on this is appreciated. Solution needed ASAP.

Customer Feedback Sample Page I need help with:

Tried free form plugins and Google Sheet for this, Doesn't work the way I like it to do.

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