How can we achieve this
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Here is the Basic template for your requirement , do the necessary changes
{ a!localVariables( local!click: false, local!options: { "Properties", "Versions", "Rename", "Download" }, a!cardLayout( contents: { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( icon: "caret-down", iconPosition: "END", label: "MORE", saveInto: a!save(local!click,not(true)), style: "OUTLINE" ) }, align: "START", marginBelow: "NONE" ), a!cardLayout( contents: a!forEach( items: local!options, expression: a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: fv!item, link: a!dynamicLink() ) ) )) }, height: "AUTO", style: "TRANSPARENT", marginBelow: "STANDARD" ) ) }
and one more thing POP UP is not possible for now in appian instead use this