The data source schema does not match the type mappings: Schema-validation: missing column [a_id] in table [`NZ_Test`] (APNX-2-4056-000)

Certified Associate Developer

Facing issue while verifying the data store entity. Error message says that it is unable to find the table column or the table itself. 

I tried creating the new table "NZ_Test" to my DB server and CDT of same table with new Data Store "NZ Test DS". Still getting the same error. 

Note:- The test connections are successful with the data source.

Also, we had a version upgrade from 21.4 to 23.2 recently. Is this causing the issue?

Attaching the screenshot of CDT and Data Store for reference.

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Parents Reply
  • I'll try to explain what happened and then tell you different ways you can fix it. 
    When you saved the CDT without the primary key, Appian created one by itself and then you updated the CDT to have a primary key and there was a mismatch again because the primary key column in the DB was different from the PK column in CDT. 

    What you can do is, check the DB to see which column has the primary key setup, and then add the primary key on the same column in the CDT. If you do it via XSD, it will have highest chances of succeding as Appian uses names of CDT columns and Table columns to create a mapping. 
