We're exploring several options to display a document on an external link. O

We're exploring several options to display a document on an external link. One option is to modify safehtml.xml to allow displaying file links: <
regexp name="fileURL" value="\\s*file:.*"/>

I've tried modifying the xml on the webserver, restarted webserver.. and in runtime_ear.. and restarted JBOSS, but it seems either does not work.

To test, I've deleted mailto in:
FROM: <regexp name="offsiteURL" value="((\\s)*(s?(ht|f)tp(s?)://|mailto:)[\\p{L}\\p{N}]+[~\\p{L}\\p{N}._=$%&amp;;\\-?/+#,!@:\\(\\)*[^\\\\u0000-\\\\u007f ]]*(\\s)*)"/>.
TO: <regexp name="offsiteURL" value="((\\s)*(s?(ht|f)tp(s?)://)[\\p{L}\\p{N}]+[~\\p{L}\\p{N}._=$%&amp;;\\-?/+#,!@:\\(\\)*[^\\\\u0000-\\\\u007f ]]*(\\s)*)"/>

But modifying both locations still allows mailto: links to display on forms. Any suggestions on where I should be looking?

FYI, a couple other options would entail not modifying this file. Still in the gathering data phase... Help appreciated!...



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  • Eduardo, so we've implemented this across our non-prod environments successfully. However, this has stopped working for one of our environments. The error I get is the generic error:

    Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: file:\\\\emile\\data\\CPSCPRIV\\PDFDOCS\\PSAs\\2006/0003d06.pdf is not a permitted URI under the configured security rules and cannot be cast to safeUri. (APNX-1-4198-012)
    03:17:15,570 INFO [stdout] (ajp-/ at com.appiancorp.process.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException$AppianExceptionWithRootCauseProvider.<init>(ExpressionRuntimeException.java:104)

    Any ideas on what could be reverting this change? I know this worked earlier today, and I've checked the safehtml.xml in security jar, and the additions are identical to the others in the other environments (i.e. which are working fine).
  • Eduardo, so we've implemented this across our non-prod environments successfully. However, this has stopped working for one of our environments. The error I get is the generic error:

    Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: file:\\\\emile\\data\\CPSCPRIV\\PDFDOCS\\PSAs\\2006/0003d06.pdf is not a permitted URI under the configured security rules and cannot be cast to safeUri. (APNX-1-4198-012)
    03:17:15,570 INFO [stdout] (ajp-/ at com.appiancorp.process.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException$AppianExceptionWithRootCauseProvider.<init>(ExpressionRuntimeException.java:104)

    Any ideas on what could be reverting this change? I know this worked earlier today, and I've checked the safehtml.xml in security jar, and the additions are identical to the others in the other environments (i.e. which are working fine).
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