We're exploring several options to display a document on an external link. O

We're exploring several options to display a document on an external link. One option is to modify safehtml.xml to allow displaying file links: <
regexp name="fileURL" value="\\s*file:.*"/>

I've tried modifying the xml on the webserver, restarted webserver.. and in runtime_ear.. and restarted JBOSS, but it seems either does not work.

To test, I've deleted mailto in:
FROM: <regexp name="offsiteURL" value="((\\s)*(s?(ht|f)tp(s?)://|mailto:)[\\p{L}\\p{N}]+[~\\p{L}\\p{N}._=$%&amp;;\\-?/+#,!@:\\(\\)*[^\\\\u0000-\\\\u007f ]]*(\\s)*)"/>.
TO: <regexp name="offsiteURL" value="((\\s)*(s?(ht|f)tp(s?)://)[\\p{L}\\p{N}]+[~\\p{L}\\p{N}._=$%&amp;;\\-?/+#,!@:\\(\\)*[^\\\\u0000-\\\\u007f ]]*(\\s)*)"/>

But modifying both locations still allows mailto: links to display on forms. Any suggestions on where I should be looking?

FYI, a couple other options would entail not modifying this file. Still in the gathering data phase... Help appreciated!...



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  • We have a nightly reboot, that I think may be somewhat related, as STAGE was rebooted last night just before it started breaking on STAGE. However, the form is now breaking across all our environments. I checked the safehtml.xml file under runtime_ear, and it's retained my changes. I'm at a loss at this point - any other ideas? The safehtml.xml is only placed in the appian-security.jar under runtime_ear. The URLs were working yesterday, but no longer are this morning. Any other thoughts? Thanks again!
  • We have a nightly reboot, that I think may be somewhat related, as STAGE was rebooted last night just before it started breaking on STAGE. However, the form is now breaking across all our environments. I checked the safehtml.xml file under runtime_ear, and it's retained my changes. I'm at a loss at this point - any other ideas? The safehtml.xml is only placed in the appian-security.jar under runtime_ear. The URLs were working yesterday, but no longer are this morning. Any other thoughts? Thanks again!
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