Anyone know if it's possible (i.e. existing plugins, or if a plugin can be c

Anyone know if it's possible (i.e. existing plugins, or if a plugin can be created) to upload files to a local or network drive directly w/o having to FTP from within a process? The only plugins I see use FTP/SFTP/SCP protocols. Thanks!...



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  • Thanks Bishnu. I've saved the Destination into a constant, and the node executes successfully - with one issue.

    The constant's value is set to: "\\\\rmsdevdesk13\\c$\\Test\\Temporary".

    I wasn't seeing the file in the folder, so I saved the output into a PV (i.e. /appian/bin/jboss/jboss-eap-6.2/bin/\\\\rmsdevdesk13\\c$\\Test\\Temporary/file.txt). So, I looked in the Appian install, and there was a folder created under /appian/bin/jboss/jboss-eap-6.2/bin called, "\\\\rmsdevdesk13\\c$\\Test\\Temporary", inside it my file.txt file.
  • Thanks Bishnu. I've saved the Destination into a constant, and the node executes successfully - with one issue.

    The constant's value is set to: "\\\\rmsdevdesk13\\c$\\Test\\Temporary".

    I wasn't seeing the file in the folder, so I saved the output into a PV (i.e. /appian/bin/jboss/jboss-eap-6.2/bin/\\\\rmsdevdesk13\\c$\\Test\\Temporary/file.txt). So, I looked in the Appian install, and there was a folder created under /appian/bin/jboss/jboss-eap-6.2/bin called, "\\\\rmsdevdesk13\\c$\\Test\\Temporary", inside it my file.txt file.
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