Number of rows limit in Editable Grid

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

I have a query that "Do we have any limit on number of rows to display in an editable grid?". 

I have a requirement where I am fetching the data from DB and showing in editable grid for user to edit and update but after few months it might be possible that the number reaches to 10k.

So just wanted to know if we have the limit of rows in editable grid. 

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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Thanks Stefan and Harshit for your response.

    I have already the approach to use custom paging in editable grid but due to custom paging I am unable to achieve few other things.

    1. When I use checkbox selection it holds data for all the selection but when I select and unselect then issue comes like it not saving the ids correctly.

    2. When I use Remove icon in each rows and click on it then also not working as sometime it removes one row but sometime whole data from the grid.

    But when I remove paging then all works good but in future number of rows limit might create issue so raised the concern.

    User want to select multiple items in Grid and then update those rows in DB on different pages.

     this link is helpful when user select only row for editing but there they want to edit 200-400 rows in one select by just checking all values are correct or not.
