Record Action Not getting refreshed after the action is complete

Certified Associate Developer


I have a record action which shows "Add Artwork Milestones" and after completing/adding the artwork details the record action should get updated to "Edit Artwork Milestones". But it is showing to Edit Artwork Milestones Action only after page refresh but not immediately after the action submission. 

I used a local variable to call the record action with a!refreshvariable() but still it is not getting updated dynamically without refreshing the screen. PFA code and help me resolving this issue.

  local!recordAction: a!refreshVariable(
    value: a!recordActionField(
      actions: {
          action: 'recordType!{d1de8e89-4208-44d3-bb27-0306902c0671}RGRACSLBL Label Change Country.actions.{9cb9fc4e-57ad-4aaf-b21b-6dabf15c4a55}addOrUpdateArtworkDetails',
          identifier: ri!labelChangeCountry['recordType!{d1de8e89-4208-44d3-bb27-0306902c0671}RGRACSLBL Label Change Country.fields.{6c137b66-e39e-49a8-b443-3728d8ccd6a4}id']
      style: "MENU",
      display: "LABEL",
      align: "END"
    refreshAfter: "RECORD_ACTION",
    refreshAlways: true
    contents: local!recordAction

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