Get the application name

Certified Senior Developer

Hi Everyone,

Requirement: We need to segregate the process model based on the app name in the process task reports.

We are creating the process reports based on all task, we need to fetch the app name based on the Process model ID.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks in advance. 

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    If you're using a process model naming convention that includes an app-specific prefix (following best practices), then I'm guessing you could filter your process report to process models where the pm name starts with your app prefix.

    If you're talking about giving a report some sort of visibility into process instances for process models that belong to any particular Design Application(s), i'm afraid that's not going to be feasible, considering that any given process model could belong to any number of Design Application(s).

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    If you're using a process model naming convention that includes an app-specific prefix (following best practices), then I'm guessing you could filter your process report to process models where the pm name starts with your app prefix.

    If you're talking about giving a report some sort of visibility into process instances for process models that belong to any particular Design Application(s), i'm afraid that's not going to be feasible, considering that any given process model could belong to any number of Design Application(s).
