UUID of Document

Hi Experts

I want to fetch UUID of document,

Is there any function or way to extract UUID of document.

Please provide solution, if any

Thanks in advance

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  •  , I migrated the documents from legacy to cloud, In first time PM fails, so few files migrated and few were not.

    later: we fix the PM and migrated all the files.

    current scenario: We need to delete those extra files which were first migrated , now they are extra and consuming memory, we need to delete them.

    Now: When we create a request , a folder corresponding to that request created,

    When I migrated files from legacy, those files get stored in these folders accordingly

    Solution: step 1: First of all I want to know which document is extra in which folder and to validate it and present to client I created an excel which have 2 columns (request id and document id).

    step 2: By reading the same excel I get the document id, by using that document ID I'm moving the document to a temporary folder so it won't get delete directly (safe side).

    step 3: validating all the files moved in temporary folder.

    step 4: If validation proves that these files are extra then we are deleting the folder which includes all the extra files.

    Point of blunder: on manual validation If we fail to validate correctly then a correct document will be delete, So in order to have a backup I propose the solution in above reply.
