UUID of Document

Hi Experts

I want to fetch UUID of document,

Is there any function or way to extract UUID of document.

Please provide solution, if any

Thanks in advance

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    What do you want to do with that UUID?

  • Hi  , I want to export UUID in excel for a sack of backup.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to harshw0876

    Can you explain that in more detail? I am just curious.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to harshw0876

    Why not just use the document id instead?

  •     , I am creating a process in which I'm deleting the extra created documents(cause by failure of PM) from folder.

    Process step - 1 : Generating an excel which includes 2 columns, request ID and document ID, So we have which request ID has which Documents extra

    Step 2: Moving all those extra documents to a temporary folder by reading the same excel.

    step 3: deleting the same temporary folder

    But the point is: If somehow we moved a non extra document to temporary folder and it deleted with folder then we can't back it up (whatever the importance of document is).

    So we have a plan, we export all the documents by adding them in package and while moving the documents to temporary folder we generate one more excel which have request ID, UUID.

    So if this blunder happens (mentioned above), we can import the backup of documents which exported and read the excel which have UUID and restore the documents to their original folders as they were.

    UUID is the only thing which will not change on the export and import.

    If I go for document ID, it will be useless for us in this case.

    What do you suggest ?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to harshw0876

    Create excel, read excel, move files, temporary folder ..... I am confused! Seriously!

    I Appian, I do never manage document by storing them in folders just to delete them. I keep the document ID in process or the database and then such a mishap cannot happen.

    But I am open to things I could not imagine.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to harshw0876

    It should work but it does seems like a convoluted process.

    Why not back them up to some external storage (Sharepoint, S3 etc) and simply store external file id in an extra column in the table?

  •  , I migrated the documents from legacy to cloud, In first time PM fails, so few files migrated and few were not.

    later: we fix the PM and migrated all the files.

    current scenario: We need to delete those extra files which were first migrated , now they are extra and consuming memory, we need to delete them.

    Now: When we create a request , a folder corresponding to that request created,

    When I migrated files from legacy, those files get stored in these folders accordingly

    Solution: step 1: First of all I want to know which document is extra in which folder and to validate it and present to client I created an excel which have 2 columns (request id and document id).

    step 2: By reading the same excel I get the document id, by using that document ID I'm moving the document to a temporary folder so it won't get delete directly (safe side).

    step 3: validating all the files moved in temporary folder.

    step 4: If validation proves that these files are extra then we are deleting the folder which includes all the extra files.

    Point of blunder: on manual validation If we fail to validate correctly then a correct document will be delete, So in order to have a backup I propose the solution in above reply.

  •  , I migrated the documents from legacy to cloud, In first time PM fails, so few files migrated and few were not.

    later: we fix the PM and migrated all the files.

    current scenario: We need to delete those extra files which were first migrated , now they are extra and consuming memory, we need to delete them.

    Now: When we create a request , a folder corresponding to that request created,

    When I migrated files from legacy, those files get stored in these folders accordingly

    Solution: step 1: First of all I want to know which document is extra in which folder and to validate it and present to client I created an excel which have 2 columns (request id and document id).

    step 2: By reading the same excel I get the document id, by using that document ID I'm moving the document to a temporary folder so it won't get delete directly (safe side).

    step 3: validating all the files moved in temporary folder.

    step 4: If validation proves that these files are extra then we are deleting the folder which includes all the extra files.

    Point of blunder: on manual validation If we fail to validate correctly then a correct document will be delete, So in order to have a backup I propose the solution in above reply.
