Duplicating my application in the same environment

I want to duplicate my application in the same environment and use one Application A for development and give other Application B for testing so that my testers don't get disturbed when I make changes to application. How can I achieve this without having any conflicts between the 2 applications?

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

     Either you ask for new environment to do testing or you need to plan your sprint in a way that development and testing can't happen at the same time. Duplicating whole application it's not acceptable approach

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer


    Duplicating your Application is not a better way to do this. Your Application objects will be referencing the same Data base or the Records/CDTs in a simple language your data will be stored at the same place as your Main Application which would cause a huge disturbance to Both the developers and the testers. It is not a good practice to do Development and testing in the same environment as the Testing would be on regression and you would also want to know the efficiency and everything that impacts your application performance. 

    Please have a different environment for testing. If that is something that cannot be done. You will have to duplicate all the objects and your database should also have its duplicates and these duplicate application objects should be updated and all the objects pointing towards the databases should be updated, which according to me is a huge waste of effort and time.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I suggest installing the app in another environment (or on your local if you have Appian installed) and verify the app that way... If you duplicate the app, you will have to change the descriptors by hand and it's quite complicated, because the objects will still reference to the previous application.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is not supported. I suggest that you request for a testing environment where you can deploy your app.