Getting error while running automated tests on expression rules with Jenkins

Certified Senior Developer

I have been trying to run automated testing through Jenkin.

I have followed appian documentation Running Automated Tests on Expression Rules with Jenkins - Appian 23.4 .

I was getting several errors and managed to solve some of them and got stuck at one particular issue. 

Highlighted all the errors faced so far - 

  • I was getting below error but managed to resolve it by modify the “build.gradle” file. I have removed the less-than symbol (<<) in build.gradle file.

  • After resolving above issue, now I was getting message “Could not parse content-type header”. I have resolved it by adding header (content-type: text/plain) in “ciStartRuleTestsApplications” webapi.

  • After resolving above issue, I am getting error related to “”

For better understanding of error, I have added parameter “--stacktrace” to task in Jenkin build step, it shows “noSuchMethodError” Error type.


Can someone provide guidance on resolving or debugging the above error?

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    try this:

    Step1:Ensure that the build.gradle script is using the correct versions of all dependencies.

    Step 2:Check the part of your code or your dependencies that is trying to use leftShift on a Writer object. If this is part of a third-party library or a plugin, you might need to update it to a version compatible with your Groovy runtime.

    Step 3.Verify that your Jenkins environment has the correct versions of all required tools and libraries, and that it matches the development environment where the code was initially written and tested.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    try this:

    Step1:Ensure that the build.gradle script is using the correct versions of all dependencies.

    Step 2:Check the part of your code or your dependencies that is trying to use leftShift on a Writer object. If this is part of a third-party library or a plugin, you might need to update it to a version compatible with your Groovy runtime.

    Step 3.Verify that your Jenkins environment has the correct versions of all required tools and libraries, and that it matches the development environment where the code was initially written and tested.

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