update record fieldd

Hey everyone ! can anyone here help me , i have a record  named "compte" that contain a field named " solde"  and an other record named "transaction" that contian a field named "montant de transaction" i want that the solde field be updated awith the value " solde + transaction" how can i do this please  

( i tried this in the create or update transaction page and it gives me error :

saveInto: {
target: ri!account['recordType!{b37748b2-8103-41ea-8028-2b358e4f229c}projet account.fields.{4a9de4b2-f127-44f1-86d2-21c2a6b2ee2d}Solde'],
value: (
ri!record['recordType!{ad2b45c4-cbc3-4de4-a189-c5593ad5032b}projet transaction.fields.{e57ce205-d18d-4eb2-83ee-f669e5c56ab1}somme'] >= 0,
local!currentBalance + ri!record['recordType!{ad2b45c4-cbc3-4de4-a189-c5593ad5032b}projet transaction.fields.{e57ce205-d18d-4eb2-83ee-f669e5c56ab1}somme'],
local!currentBalance + ri!record['recordType!{ad2b45c4-cbc3-4de4-a189-c5593ad5032b}projet transaction.fields.{e57ce205-d18d-4eb2-83ee-f669e5c56ab1}somme']
label: if(ri!isUpdate, "Save", "Create"),
submit: true,
style: "SOLID",
validate: true

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