Convert Raw data into the respective CDT

Certified Senior Developer

I have one requiremnt where i need to just convert the raw data into respective CDT. Is it possible to convert into the CDT without expression data. I have used cast but it is not worthy to be work. If same case is used for this using expression then it is working

[RecordID=4, CatalogID=, ScopeID=6, VendorID=, InHouseTechnicianID=, WORemediationID=, BidID=, Category=, Description=, GLCode=, GLSeg=, IsExterior=false, LineItemApproval=, MatCost=, Pass=, Price=0, Quantity=1, UnitOfMeasure=, ResidentResponsible=1, Room=, SubCategory=, Summary=, TechCost=, TechTime=, OriginalPrice=, VendorPrice=, Modified=, Deleted=false, CreateUser=henryfok, CreateDate=2/15/2018 12:00 AM UTC, UpdateUser=henryfok, UpdateDate=2/15/2018 12:00 AM UTC]

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Ankush Sharma

    Please help me to understand what this "raw data" is. 

    And what exactly do you mean with "This is the raw data from CDT but we don't have such data in expression"?

    To be able to support you, we need the full context, goals, code, screenshots, observations of what you want to achieve, what you did, what you observed, and a clear problem statement.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Okay , Let me give you the screenshots and details.

    So I have this such type of data right 

    [RecordID=4, CatalogID=, ScopeID=6, VendorID=, InHouseTechnicianID=, WORemediationID=, BidID=, Category=, Description=, GLCode=, GLSeg=, IsExterior=false, LineItemApproval=, MatCost=, Pass=, Price=0, Quantity=1, UnitOfMeasure=, ResidentResponsible=1, Room=, SubCategory=, Summary=, TechCost=, TechTime=, OriginalPrice=, VendorPrice=, Modified=, Deleted=false, CreateUser=henryfok, CreateDate=2/15/2018 12:00 AM UTC, UpdateUser=henryfok, UpdateDate=2/15/2018 12:00 AM UTC]

    This data is Raw data means when we run the expression then in test output we have 3 tabs formatted , raw , expression. 

    But now my requirement is i am getting raw data from client side they can not provide me a expression data because they need to convert raw into the CDT.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Ankush Sharma

    I still don't get it. That "raw" tab just shows the data in a different format !?!?

    What exactly do you mean with "But now my requirement is i am getting raw data from client side they can not provide me a expression data because they need to convert raw into the CDT."?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Ankush Sharma
    But now my requirement is i am getting raw data from client side they can not provide me a expression data because they need to convert raw into the CDT

    Tell them they should be sending you JSON data at the very least.  The "raw" format you're referring to here is loosely defined and will be very hard to parse reliably (like, what if one of the items is a string containing an "=" equals sign?  or quotes? or commas?  etc.)