I need advice.
Read CSV file and want to find duplicate value.
if there are duplicate values .I want to display error msg..
I was able to load the CSV and remap it to the map list, but I was unable to check for duplicates values and unable to add error msg.
Image like the attached image
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Could you elaborate more on what you are trying to do? Are you looking for duplicates on "No" and/or "col1" and/or "col2"? What are you expecting in error1/2/3? What does your current expression rule look like, and what have you tried for finding the duplicate values that is giving you difficulty?
Dan Lluhi
At first i want to read csv file and then check csv file data. I'm looking for duplicate value on [No] column.
if there are duplicate value on [No] column. i want to add error msg and sent it back csv file with error message.
If there are no duplicate value register to DB.
Please find the below code. Made a sample code for your understanding. More efficient and simpler code can be created.
a!localVariables( local!doc: ri!doc, local!data: readexcelsheetpaging( excelDocument: ri!doc, sheetNumber: 0, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 2, batchSize: 5000) ).data.values, local!formatData: a!forEach( items: local!data, expression: if( a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!item[2]), {}, a!map( name: fv!item[2], gender: fv!item[3], department: fv!item[4], tech: fv!item[5] ) ) ), local!duplicateCheck: a!forEach( items: local!formatData, expression: a!update( data: fv!item, index: "error", value: if( length( wherecontains( fv!item.name, local!formatData.name ) )>1, "Duplicate Values Found", "" ) ) ), local!duplicateCheck )
Konduru Chaitanya
Really helpful for me. I understand and work for me!!!
Thank you so much for your help
I have another question, I would like to create a CSV file with the current results.
How can i get it more efficiently.
If the answer works please do verify the answers which helped you.
yes.I made it