Getting kicked out of the page and returned to main page with change in Assignee automatically

Certified Senior Developer

I have a button named "Save Decision" on task details page, on clicking it automatically kicks out and returns to the home page(Where all tasks are displayed) and also the task assignee gets changed (to the one who was its original assignee before reassignment)

In the code, upon clicking on "Save Decision" we are just saving data to few variables.

Tried to debug but could not locate the reason. does anyone know what might be the reason for it ?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    A few questions:

    1. Is the button configured as a Submit button? 
    2. What happens in your process flow following form submission? 
    3. Is the task assignment based on a static value (original assignee) or do you have it configured to take into account who the previous submitter was?
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    1. Yes button is configured as a Submit button
    2. Task details page is a big page having multiple sections, one of the section has this "Save Decision" button and on click of it the page should stay as is.
    3. Task assignment is based on a static value i.e once task gets created based on few conditions it will get assigned to someone say "abc" (Original assignee), but we are using task actions of "Reassign" (Default provided by appian e.g. Accept, Reject, Reassign) and we can chose anyone from it say "xyz". if the xyz goes to the task and clicks on save then the scenario happens.

    in few if else conditions one PM gets executed on click of save button, but thats not related to assignee

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to mohinin

    If "save decision" is a Submit button, then the form (as-is) will be submitted upon click. Your process flow and configuration will need to be carefully fine tuned to handle this in order to keep the user in-place if that's what's needed. 

    Generally speaking if you have chaining enabled perfectly (and the flow loops straight back to the task after the "save decision" submit click specifically), then they should not be taken away from the task when it's clicked.  I'm not sure what your configuration is, but my first guess would be that something in this sequence is not configured correctly.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to mohinin

    If "save decision" is a Submit button, then the form (as-is) will be submitted upon click. Your process flow and configuration will need to be carefully fine tuned to handle this in order to keep the user in-place if that's what's needed. 

    Generally speaking if you have chaining enabled perfectly (and the flow loops straight back to the task after the "save decision" submit click specifically), then they should not be taken away from the task when it's clicked.  I'm not sure what your configuration is, but my first guess would be that something in this sequence is not configured correctly.
