After reading this sentence, I wanted to know more, so I would like to ask a question.
difference between Entity Backed records and Process Backed records?
How can i map a view with record type.
As a result of investigation, I was unable to map View to RecordType.
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That conversation is two years old. One aspect of records is, to avoid the need for database views.
What are you looking for?
Stefan Helzle
I'm looking for ways to map View and recordtype.
If recordtype relation cannot be used, create a View and then map the recordtype to the View, and retrieve data.
are you looking to create a record from view and map that to relation with another record created from another view?
yes,how can i create .please explain more details.
Records do not support views. Did you consider to create that view logic inside Appian, using synced records?
If you absolutely want/need to fetch data from that view, use data types and data stores.
Thank you for your response.I will use data types and data stores.
Why aren't you able to use record relationships in this example? Like Stefan said, the purpose of synced records is to replace a lot of the functionality that made views necessary.
Peter Lewis
The record relationship was not working for my system because the DB design was not very good.So we need to use view.