I have some nested CDTs, like a nested in b, b nested in c, I want to cast it to recordtype with relationship, like C has one-to-many relationship to B, B has one-to-many relationship to A. All fields are mapped, how can I cast?
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One way to do this is create a structure with recordtType!recordName(key :vallue), and map the nested cdt values to the record type.
Define matching record types (A, B, C) for your CDTs.Use nested loops to iterate through C then B.Inside loops, extract data from CDTs and assign to record types.If your record types have list fields designed to hold related records (e.g: record_C.related_B), directly add the created records (e.g., record_B)
Thank you, it works
Assuming you have the same names for your fields, then you just cast it and it should work - here's an example:
If you don't have the same field names, then you may need to do some massaging of the data to get it in the right format like others have mentioned.