Is it possible to add grid in intake form of Case Management Studio?

Certified Lead Developer

I need to add editable grid in intake form of Case Type in Case Management Studio, but the form builder does not have the option to add grid in the intake form.
Does Appian have any plan to add editable grid in intake form in future?

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  • Hello,  HealthCare gov

    Unfortunately, case management studio's form builder currently doesn't support editable grids within intake forms. There's no official word on if Appian plans to add this functionality in the future. While you can't achieve a true editable grid, consider exploring workarounds like adding multiple related fields or using a separate data collection form outside of the intake process.  

  • Hello,  HealthCare gov

    Unfortunately, case management studio's form builder currently doesn't support editable grids within intake forms. There's no official word on if Appian plans to add this functionality in the future. While you can't achieve a true editable grid, consider exploring workarounds like adding multiple related fields or using a separate data collection form outside of the intake process.  

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