To populate a read-only grid with 2 data subsets

Certified Associate Developer


I have a grid to populate with data from 2 different tables.

Using the Id of countries  from the first column I have to get the values for other 3 columns from a different table. Can Someone help how to approach this.


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  • It's definitely easiest to merge the data into a coherent dataset before you try to render it in your user interface. If you're working with Modern (Synced) Records then you can create relationships between the two datasets in Appian and that'll allow you to get at the data as required for each row in your table. If you're still working with datastore entity backed data then create a view in your database that joins your two tables and then you can create a new CDT that is mapped to your view and treat it as one dataset in your user interface.

  • It's definitely easiest to merge the data into a coherent dataset before you try to render it in your user interface. If you're working with Modern (Synced) Records then you can create relationships between the two datasets in Appian and that'll allow you to get at the data as required for each row in your table. If you're still working with datastore entity backed data then create a view in your database that joins your two tables and then you can create a new CDT that is mapped to your view and treat it as one dataset in your user interface.

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