Case Management Studio - Error adding data fields


I was doing some testes using Case Management Stuvio v1.4 and when I tryed to 'Add data field' I got a werid java error:

So from here at 'Add data field':

After I filled the data field information, when I press save I get this error:

Any idea on what this could be? 

Can it be from the custom properties file settings that they talk about in the Installing CMS documentation? (I use a cloud environment)


Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = ddf7b:7edb3] in rule 'cmgt_cb_sitepage_casetype_data' (called by rule 'cmgt_wfl_sitepage_casetypes') : An error occurred while executing a save: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.appiancorp.type.cdt.value.bridge.FieldAddressableValue.get(Object)" because "this.valueJavaBridge" is null


Thank you for you help!

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