Hi All,
am facing an issue, where according to the request the results will be coming to the grid. But when i export the results from the grid, it is fetching only first page i.e 10 rows to the excel . What should i modify, so that it will fetch the entire grid results to the excel export. Do i need to change anything in PM?
Please find the reference code.
a!buttonLayout( secondaryButtons: a!buttonWidget_23r3( label: "Export ", saveInto: { a!startProcess( processModel: cons!SM_EXPORT_BATCHES_ORDERED_PROCESS_MODEL, processParameters: { batchTransDetails: local!batchDs.data, selectedSiteFulfillStatusId:local!selectedSiteFulfillStatusId, selectedSiteSubOrderStatus:local!selectedSiteSubStatus,
isPSM: toboolean( local!isSM )/*orderId:rf!orderId,*/ /*project:"POS",*/ /*fulfillSiteId:4,*/ /*selectedRep:1*/
}, onSuccess: { a!save( local!documentId, fv!processInfo.pv.documentId ) } ) }
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It seems like you are directly passing the to-be-exported data to that process. Did you consider to just pass the filter parameters to the process and query the data inside the model?
yes the filter data is directly passing in the above code. Is there any way we need to adjust pagination? to fetch the total results from the grid to excel
Yes. Depending on how you implemented the export, you can adjust the number of returned rows.
Provide details on how are you exporting data.