Meaning of Process Insight failure and “APNX-1-4579-027” error code in ProcessHQ

I am currently investigating process mining using ProcessHQ.
I have added a process to do a ProcessInsight analysis within ProcessHQ, but an error occurs and I am unable to do the analysis.
The error code is APNX-1-4579-027.
A web search for the error code did not turn up any hits, and I am unable to proceed with my investigation into the cause of the problem.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me the cause of the above error and how to correct it.

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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to kokis0001

    Hi  ,

    In Process HQ, the user logged in must be atleast configured as Analyst for that process in process insights to start investigation, and he must be atleast viewer for the whole application, because you are using the both record types, record events and process model.

    I hope this may clear you out, if this isn't then it may be other issue.

  • Hi 
    The app group I created originally had two groups, App AllUser and App Admin, with a parent-child relationship of AllUser>Admin (parent>child).
    I additionally created a group called App Data Steward with the relationship AllUser>Admin>Data Steward (it should probably be AllUser>Data Steward>Admin, but it's for research purposes so I'm ok with that).
    I am aware that my account is added to Data Steward, so I have no problem in terms of permissions.
    The record level security is set to AllUser, and the record type security is AllUser for Viewer, Admin for Admin, and Data Steward for Data Steward.
    Also, when I add a Process on ProcessHQ, I assign the Data Steward group as the Data Steward and my account as the Anaryst.
    We are not aware at this time that this configuration has a significant impact on Process additions.