Task reassignment to a user

Certified Senior Developer

Let me explain my situation:

I have a workflow where certain actions are performed. When a user, let's say XYZ, initiates the process, they are initially assigned as the assignee. However, I need to be able to change this assignee. To handle this, I've created a separate workflow where I only capture the latest active tasks. From this list, I select the task for which I want to change the assignee.

Once I reassign the task to a new user, let's call them ABC, I need all subsequent tasks initiated by input to go to this new assignee.

To clarify, after initiating the process, I continue working with the same input task when I am the assignee. However, after reassigning the task through a different process, I need to capture the latest assignee for that process, even new assignee's information is already saved in the database.

Please let me know if you need more information or if you have any suggestions.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    When a user completes a task, tp!owner reflects that user. Just store that somewhere and assign follow-up tasks to that user.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    After initiating the process, I assigned the task to myself. Subsequently, I selected the task from the list and assigned it to a different person. To address this issue, I introduced a subprocess in the reassignment process model.

    Currently, the process works, but it results in two separate processes for the same task:

    1. The initial process initiation.
    2. The process when it is reassigned to a new person.

    I aim to integrate these into a single process instead of handling them separately. Is there an alternative approach we can explore to accomplish this? I hope this clarifies my intention. i need to assign new person with current process 

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    After initiating the process, I assigned the task to myself. Subsequently, I selected the task from the list and assigned it to a different person. To address this issue, I introduced a subprocess in the reassignment process model.

    Currently, the process works, but it results in two separate processes for the same task:

    1. The initial process initiation.
    2. The process when it is reassigned to a new person.

    I aim to integrate these into a single process instead of handling them separately. Is there an alternative approach we can explore to accomplish this? I hope this clarifies my intention. i need to assign new person with current process 
