I have a custom picker field which is used to select the countries. From the list of all countries the user should not be able to select and save Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Can someone please suggest how I can achieve this.
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Hello p2005
Please share the code snippet. The simple answer is when you are creating the ER for Array Picker used in the suggestFunction of pickerFieldCustom, you need to remove the Great Britain and Northern Ireland values from the list that you are using for labels and identifiers.
Konduru Chaitanya
Suggest function code:
/* Rule returns a data subset with data as Country name identifier as ISO code and with 20 entries at a time*/ a!localVariables( local!saveCountryOrIsoCode: rule!APN_replaceNull( nullableValue: ri!saveCountryNameOrIsoCode, replacementValue: false ), local!isClusterIncluded: toboolean( rule!APN_replaceNull( nullableValue: ri!isClusterIncluded, replacementValue: false ) ), local!pagingInfo: rule!APN_replaceNull( nullableValue: ri!pagingInfo, replacementValue: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 20, sort: a!sortInfo(field: "country_txt", ascending: true) ) ), local!paginfoCluster: rule!APN_replaceNull( nullableValue: ri!clusterPagingInfo, replacementValue: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 20, sort: a!sortInfo(field: "clusterName_txt", ascending: true) ) ), local!data: if( rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!filter), null, a!queryEntity( entity: cons!RGRACSLBL_ENTITY_COUNTRY_REGION, query: a!query( selection: a!querySelection( columns: { a!queryColumn(field: "isoCode_txt", visible: true()), a!queryColumn(field: "country_txt", visible: true()) } ), logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: "region_txt", operator: ">", value: " " ), a!queryFilter( field: "country_txt", operator: "includes", value: ri!filter ) } ), pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo ) ) ), local!data2: if( and( not(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!filter)), local!isClusterIncluded ), a!queryEntity( entity: cons!RGRACSLBL_ENTITY_LABEL_LU_REF_CLUSTER, query: a!query( selection: a!querySelection( columns: { a!queryColumn(field: "clusterName_txt", visible: true()) } ), logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: "clusterName_txt", operator: "in", value: cons!RGRACSLBL_TEXT_CLUSTERS_REFERENCE_COUNTRY ), a!queryFilter( field: "clusterName_txt", operator: "includes", value: ri!filter ) } ), pagingInfo: local!paginfoCluster ) ), null ), if( local!isClusterIncluded, if( and( rule!APN_isEmpty(index(local!data, "data", null)), rule!APN_isEmpty(index(local!data2, "data", null)) ), a!dataSubset(data: null, identifiers: null), a!dataSubset( data: reject( fn!isnull, append( index( index(local!data, "data", null), "country_txt", null ), index( index(local!data2, "data", null), "clusterName_txt", null ) ) ), identifiers: reject( fn!isnull, append( index( index(local!data, "data", null), if(local!saveCountryOrIsoCode, "country_txt", "isoCode_txt"), null ), index( index(local!data2, "data", null), "clusterName_txt", null ) ) ) ) ), rule!APN_isEmpty(index(local!data, "data", null)), a!dataSubset(data: null, identifiers: null), a!dataSubset( data: index( index(local!data, "data", null), "country_txt", null ), identifiers: index( index(local!data, "data", null), if(local!saveCountryOrIsoCode, "country_txt", "isoCode_txt"), null ) ) ) )
In your query could you simply add a queryFilter with "not in" operator and exclude the two values?