Scenario: I have a created a reusable fileUploadField component which I am planning to use in all existing fileUploadField field in all apps. I have created a rule inputs for all the parameters of the fileUpload field and passing values to the common component while calling it. In saveInTo of the common component I am calling a!startProcess which will run asynchronously(i.e. no activity chaining).
Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 50518:8f67a] in rule 'aco_fileuploadfield' : An error occurred while executing a save: Expression evaluation error : Attempted to run a second smart service, but only one smart service can be run per expression evaluation.
Note: I have built this functionality to capture document details across all apps and all upload fields which are already in use. We don't want to change any UI and major changes to existing screens.
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All of this is expected behaviour. Trying to build such a generic component, especially for file uploads is a challenging task.
At the end of this blog post, I give a short explanation of the way I do this kind of "File-upload Anywhere" component.