typeof() vs runtimetypeof()

Certified Associate Developer

Even i gone through the documentation i cant get the exact difference plz can anyone explain in easy and simple words 

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  • +1
    Certified Senior Developer


    • It can retrieve the type of an expression during design time.
    • what the designer expects the data to be based on the configured type.
    • you can use this to validate or debug the expected type of an expression


    • it can retrieve the type of an expression during runtime of the that expression.
    • it says what the data is at runtime.
    • You can dynamically validate the type at runtime and handle unexpected data
  • +1
    Certified Senior Developer


    • It can retrieve the type of an expression during design time.
    • what the designer expects the data to be based on the configured type.
    • you can use this to validate or debug the expected type of an expression


    • it can retrieve the type of an expression during runtime of the that expression.
    • it says what the data is at runtime.
    • You can dynamically validate the type at runtime and handle unexpected data
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