How to showcase the percentage value of the data coming in a chart field

Hi Team

I want to show case the percentage of data in the Y axis of the column chart field.

Eg: If the X axis is have 4 values: A,B,C,D and Y axis is having values for each 1 for A, 2 for B, 3 for C, 4 for D.

But other than showing these values is it also possible to showcase the percentage of these values as well?



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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    Can we know the exact data that you want to show in charts?? If the data is single series you can't show it in percentage wise(Go for pie chart). But if you have multiple series (like trend of something over time) you can.

    Too answer your question it depends on the data ,if it's just like the sample data you asked in question "NO". 

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    Can we know the exact data that you want to show in charts?? If the data is single series you can't show it in percentage wise(Go for pie chart). But if you have multiple series (like trend of something over time) you can.

    Too answer your question it depends on the data ,if it's just like the sample data you asked in question "NO". 

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