Hi ,
How to remove unwanted characters from text ?
I get data from excel where its having char(9), char(160) sometimes different char(x) which none can expect
example: \tHello ( In Appian value : fn!char(9)Hello )
I want only Hello from the value. To use stripwith, char(160), char(10) etc.. would come in value which I can't expect
How can I achieve only wanted text or How can I remove those unwanted characters ?
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Did you try the function cleanwith()? In opposite to stripwith(), you define the characters to keep.
Hi Stefan,
I have explored these functions and felt this wont help in my use case.my use case is:
User might give tabspace or space or multiples of it along with value in the excel column which is inappropriate . I need to read the excel, get value and check the value is in my list of values. For doing this, value is coming with char(9)VALUE or char(160)VALUE etc which I cannot expect what characters the VALUE would come with.
use case 1:
List of values I have in my hand: {"Hello World", "Good Morning"}
Value I'm expecting from excel : Hello World
Excel value I received: char(9)Hello Worldchar(160)
Now I need to fetch Hello World from the excel value and check if its present in my list. If I use stripwith(value, char(160)), next time excel value might come with char(10) which I would never know.
In the following code snippet, I just define the allowed characters. Everything else is removed.
cleanwith( char(9) & "Hello Worldchar" & (160), concat( char(enumerate(24) + 65), /* A-Z */ char(enumerate(24) + 97), /* a-z */ " " ) )