Add zero to the left of Integer

I want to add a certain number of zero to the left of an integer number and save it to an Integer rule input..I was using text(value,"0000") this function which gave me exact format but when I save that to an Integer variable , all zeros had been removed.

Id type is Number(Integer)

for ref:

label: "Text",
labelPosition: "ABOVE",
value: text(tostring(ri!Id), "0000"),
saveInto: ri!Id,
refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
validations: {}
buttons: {
a!buttonWidget(label: "save", style: "OUTLINE")
align: "START",
marginBelow: "NONE"

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    To clarify, integer (the data type) does not understand or care about "leading zeroes".  "0001" is not a distinct integer from "1", both have a value of "1" (stored deeper in the system as the binary representation fo the number "1" moreover). 

    What you're asking for here is display formatting, for which (as others have mentioned) you'd use text and various rules/functions to format its displayed value, and/or you could store a literal representation of the displayed format you're after into a text field. 

    But what you need to understand most is that these are completely different things - otherwise you're gonna have a hard time with coding anything in Appian.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    To clarify, integer (the data type) does not understand or care about "leading zeroes".  "0001" is not a distinct integer from "1", both have a value of "1" (stored deeper in the system as the binary representation fo the number "1" moreover). 

    What you're asking for here is display formatting, for which (as others have mentioned) you'd use text and various rules/functions to format its displayed value, and/or you could store a literal representation of the displayed format you're after into a text field. 

    But what you need to understand most is that these are completely different things - otherwise you're gonna have a hard time with coding anything in Appian.
