How to convert List of Varients to List of Dictionary

Certified Associate Developer

I have a usecase where there are two arrays : one is empty and second one has some values

Array1 : {"",""},

Array2 : {1:1,2:2}

After removing null or empty values from Array1 using filter function filter(a!isNotNullorEmpty,Array1), I have got empty array which is of List of Varient type

Now I want to apply difference function difference(Array1,Array2)

Since both are different data types, im being thrown error as invalid types.

If I have any values in Array1 like {1:1}, it would be of type List of Dictionary, but now here it is List of Varient since nothing there in the Array.

How can I perform difference function operation now? Is there any workaround to convert list of varient to list of dictionary ?

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