Conditional show of Accept, Re-assign buttons

Certified Associate Developer


If a user is part of 2 groups: Assistant and Manager.

Same user who submitted a task as an Assistant shouldn't be able to access next task in the flow as Manager.

Is there a way not to show/disable the accept and reassign buttons when the same user tries to claim the task?

Or can we show an error message when trying to accept?

Any help/ideas are appreciated.


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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    It can be done ,Can we know where you got stuck  and the current design you have ?? In general we save Details related Assistant task. We use these details to validate against loggedinuser on manager task . If the current logged in user and the person who did the Assistant task are same .We will restrict him on opening/Completing manager task .

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    It can be done ,Can we know where you got stuck  and the current design you have ?? In general we save Details related Assistant task. We use these details to validate against loggedinuser on manager task . If the current logged in user and the person who did the Assistant task are same .We will restrict him on opening/Completing manager task .
