Hi All,
I have two APIs right now. POST webAPI and GET Webapi.
--POST API is taking two query params as input, doing a start process and returning some url in its body.
--In GET Api i want to fetch that url from POST APIs body. How can I pass the params to POST Api from my GET API to fetch the url as response in GET API?
Here is my current implementation in GET API:
a!localVariables( local!httpRequestBody:http!request.queryParameters, local!FormId: if( rule!GEN_IsNull(local!httpRequestBody), null, local!httpRequestBody.FormId ), local!formToLaunchParameters_txt: if( rule!GEN_IsNull(local!httpRequestBody), null, local!httpRequestBody.formToLaunchParameters_txt ), if( or( rule!GEN_IsNull(local!FormId), rule!GEN_IsNull(local!formToLaunchParameters_txt) ), a!httpResponse( statusCode: 500, headers: a!httpHeader( name:"Content-Type", value:"application/json" ), body:a!toJson( { error:"FormId or KeyInstn is missing" } ) ), a!httpResponse( statusCode: 301, headers: a!httpHeader( "Location", rule!LinkToLaunchForm(----------This is the POST API ) ) ) ) )
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I am not sure I fully understand what you are trying to achieve, but find some examples in the documentation here: docs.appian.com/.../Designing_Web_APIs.html
Actually I am trying to execute a startprocess from outside appian for which I want to give just a url to client so that when they hit the url the startprocess should occur and a resulting user input task form inside that process model should get displayed to them.
To trigger the process model I have written a POST Webapi but to create a URL I need to have getAPI thats why I am trying to integrate these two to generate a url for client.
Starting a process cannot be done using a GET. You will need some kind of client side logic or code that first makes a POST to Appian, and then somehow navigates the user to the returned URL.
yes that is exactly what I am trying to do. I have created a POST api to start a process and I am getting the url to form in its response.
Now I want to utilize response of this POST API "the url to form", in my another GET API to make it user friendly, and that's my question how can I use the response of POST API in my GET API.
This is me, guessing: You want to put a button on an Appian interface to start a process and display the interface from that process to the user?
If this is the case, do you have any specific reason to not use a record action field or a start process link?
I have done it through httppost request. like this:
local!postRequest: httppost( endpoint: concat( cons!SITE_URL, cons!ENDPOINT ) & "Key=" & ri!Key headerNames: {cons!API_AUTHORIZATION_KEY}, headerValues:{cons!API_AUTHORIZATION_KEY_HEADER_VALUE} ),