Importing application from market place fails because locale is different to our own

We are importing the SCIM User Management application provided by Appian on the market place:  SCIM User Management 

The locale for that application is en_US.

The locale for our Appian server is GB.

We get the following error when trying to import: 

Problems (1):
processModel 0002e9c5-4ae7-8000-558d-3a4d983a4d98 "{en_US=SCIM Deactivate User}": An error occurred while creating processModel [uuid=0002e9c5-4ae7-8000-558d-3a4d983a4d98]: com.appiancorp.process.validation.ValidationException: Process Model is not valid. The process model must have a valid name in the site primary language: English (GB). (APNX-1-4071-007)

How are we suppose to import applications if they are for a different locale?


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