According to functionality whenever someone initiate the process then we have schedule work order task in which we need to provide the issues with the property and assigned them to the vendors/technisians,After scheduling the work order if your price is above then 500 then that task goes for approvals(We have to completed 5 approvals to pass that task to the vendor). But in task report when i assigned the task for approvals then it is showing list of taskassignees name but according to my requirements i need to show group name. So i have created a condition as per the task, but my question is can we add this below code in the task report or not.
a!localVariables( local!getScope: rule!TSW_getScopeByID(SCOPE_ID), if( index(local!getScope, "Status", {}) = "Approvals", a!match( value: rule!MP_getRequiredApprovalLevelByProjectTypeNID(SCOPE_ID), equals: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[2], then: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[2], equals: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[3], then: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[3], equals: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[4], then: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[4], equals: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[5], then: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[5], equals: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[6], then: cons!TMP_APPROVAL_ROLE_LIST[6], default: "" ), {} ) )
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It depends what's in those 2 rules
Personally, I would advise against putting such logic in the Task Report itself if you can avoid it. I would prefer to have that as a PV that is calculated by the process using this rule.
But that task report is for all the tasks that is coming from the all processes...
You are right but i am not able to get how can i proceed with this .These below rules is just to ge the data based on the scope id.
Sure, but that is not how task reports work. You can only access data from the tasks and the process instances.