Hi, I am trying to import one application patch from one Environmen


I am trying to import one application patch from one Environment to Other. However everytime it is failing and showing an error stated below:
The processModel [id= uuid=*************] was not imported because a required reference is missing: Reference to processModel [***********] (Process Model > Node > Node Input > "pmID") cannot be found. (APNX-1-*********) (APNX-********)
I am not showing the exact numbers beacuse of security. However error message is pretty much what I have stated above.
Also I am getting one problem in Export log and that is

processModel ********* "*********": The data for processModel [id=****** uuid=*********] could not be saved to XML. Cause: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not serialize Process Model into DOM tree (APNX-1-4071-004)

Could anyone has the solution for this as we have tried all those tricks which have been already posted in Forum....



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