We need a solution to grab the new email address of the user. Currently it is pi

We need a solution to grab the new email address of the user. Currently it is picking old email address of the user example abc@myworld.com and it should pick or the grab the new email address like abc@myworldwide.com
Currently in our process model we pick email address from process variable which picks the old email address. What we required some expression which will grab the new email address of the user.
Could anyone let me know how it can be done. I have created a new expression rule which will search the user the firstname and lastname and pick the email address but only picking the old email address here. We need to pick/grab the other email address of the user like if user old email is abc@myworld.com than it should pick the new email address abc@myworldwide.com
=if(and(not(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!user)),isusernametaken(ri!user)),user(touser(ri!user),"firstName") & " " & user(touser(ri!user),"lastName"),"NA")



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  • We need to update the process model Build_Project_Quote to use the new email address. Currently this model is using a PV projectmetadata to get the email address. I would like to not modify this PV and instead we could create an expression rule like prmFormatUserAsFirstLast to get the email address then we can reference the rule in the process model. I have already created a rule to get the user name firstname and lastname and pick the email address but it is picking old email. Just want to know how it can pick the other email address of the user.
  • We need to update the process model Build_Project_Quote to use the new email address. Currently this model is using a PV projectmetadata to get the email address. I would like to not modify this PV and instead we could create an expression rule like prmFormatUserAsFirstLast to get the email address then we can reference the rule in the process model. I have already created a rule to get the user name firstname and lastname and pick the email address but it is picking old email. Just want to know how it can pick the other email address of the user.
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