We are consuming a web service response xml and I am able to retrieve data for s

We are consuming a web service response xml and I am able to retrieve data for specific tags using this syntax:

if( (xpathsnippet(pv!customersOnAccountResponseBody_Txt, "//*[local-name(.)='ReturnCode']/text()")) = "", "", xpathsnippet(pv!customersOnAccountResponseBody_Txt, "//*[local-name(.)='ReturnCode']/text()") )

The problem with the above results is that I get all instances of the tag "ReturnCode". I only want the data from this tag when its in a particular child tag. How would the syntax change above then?

I have tried absolute and realize path's and neither work....



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  • This is the exact syntax for the node: if( (xpathsnippet(pv!accountResponseBody_Txt, "/GetCustomerAccountsResponse/GetCustomerAccountsResponseMessage/Customer/Accounts/Account*[local-name(.)='ReturnCode']/text()")) = "", "", xpathsnippet(pv!accountResponseBody_Txt, "/GetCustomerAccountsResponse/GetCustomerAccountsResponseMessage/Customer/Accounts/Account*[local-name(.)='ReturnCode']/text()") )
  • This is the exact syntax for the node: if( (xpathsnippet(pv!accountResponseBody_Txt, "/GetCustomerAccountsResponse/GetCustomerAccountsResponseMessage/Customer/Accounts/Account*[local-name(.)='ReturnCode']/text()")) = "", "", xpathsnippet(pv!accountResponseBody_Txt, "/GetCustomerAccountsResponse/GetCustomerAccountsResponseMessage/Customer/Accounts/Account*[local-name(.)='ReturnCode']/text()") )
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