Updating existing document stored in Appian I have a pdf document te

Updating existing document stored in Appian

I have a pdf document template being stored in Appian say ABC.pdf (version 1), due to some changes i need to update ABC.pdf with a new copy ( same file name ) and was done using upload new version wizard, keeping the earlier file name, updated copy got saved as version 2 as expected.
Constant of Document type was made to refer that ABC.pdf in proceses and expression rules

Issue : constant still refers to older version 1 instead of referring to new version 2, as a result processes & expression rules using that constant still points to old copy of ABC.pdf , some how older pdf copy (version 1 ) is getting cached and getting reflected wherever the constant being used.

I have manually updated the constant too by selecting the ABC.pdf document again from directory browser but no luck.. Is there anything being missed during document update as it's being used as a constant ?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    This looks to be a bug in the code, when locating the document it isn't specifying ContentConstants.VERSION_CURRENT to ensure it's dealing with the most recent version. From what I recall the API's were changed back in the mid version 6s to handle this, perhaps this code hasn't been updated as it's been around for a while.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    This looks to be a bug in the code, when locating the document it isn't specifying ContentConstants.VERSION_CURRENT to ensure it's dealing with the most recent version. From what I recall the API's were changed back in the mid version 6s to handle this, perhaps this code hasn't been updated as it's been around for a while.
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