Hi, Can we open a url in another browser (link), on click of a button.

Can we open a url in another browser (link), on click of a button.
Suggestion and Inputs required



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  • @farnazy May I know if you make use of SAIL interface? If so did you consider making use of the Link component in SAIL instead of a Button? Because Button component is intended for saving the values associated with the variables of the form (after performing validations on need basis) and thereby submitting it if needed and afaik, your requirement isn't doable with the help of Button.
  • You can't do it directly from a button, but you could use an image of a button and set the link on the image to be the required safeURI.
  • @sikhivahans - Yes, I am using SAIL. Its client requirement, I need to use a button and open a url.
    @philb - we have to have the same button look and feel as provided by SAIL to have consistency in the Appllcation.
    Please suggest
  • farnazy You could adapt Phil's approach but please bear in mind that it shouldn't look dissimilar when compared to Button component in SAIL(in terms of colour, format of the label on the button, actual size of button component, expanding or contrasting of the component according to the size of the label provided to it etc.) and also prepare for updating it on need basis when the look and feel of the Button component is changed in SAIL in future. Also please bear in mind that you should update the image when the text or colour changes in it, because it can't expand or contract itself when the length of label varies or change its colour like a button component when the colour change is required. (We faced a similar issue in our internal projects in forms constructed using Forms Designer when the label or colour changes, it requires a new image to be captured.)
  • You could just use a high-resolution screenshot of the Appian button - however, I'd suggest trying to make your requirement fit the style guide and therefore what a user expects. I would not expect a button to open a new page, but I would expect a (hyper)link to do so.