Here we go...another XML question :) I was under the impression that

Here we go...another XML question :)

I was under the impression that using this type of syntax would check to see if a tag exists however, it's really only checking to see if there is any value in an existing tag.

if( (xpathsnippet(pv!accountResponseBody_Txt, "//*[local-name(.)='ProductTypeCode']/text()")) = "", "", xpathsnippet(pv!accountResponseBody_Txt, "//*[local-name(.)='ProductTypeCode']/text()") )

What I need to do is determine if a child tag exists or not. If it exists, I want to take the value. If it doesn't, I don't want to store an empty string value in the CDT equivalent field.

Any ideas how the syntax would look for that?...



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