Anyone have a good example.explanation of load() versus with(). It's troubl

Anyone have a good example.explanation of load() versus with(). It's troubling me that I'm having challenges with this concept.



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  • I could give some of the Main Definitions as well,

    1. Load is used in expressions for SAIL interfaces to allow for user interaction on the SAIL, such as sorting or paging through a grid.

    With() differs from the load() function because it recalculates the local variable values when the expression is re-evaluated.

    If an expression requires multiple evaluations of a complex value, you can use the with() function to define the value as a local variable, so it's only evaluated once.
  • I could give some of the Main Definitions as well,

    1. Load is used in expressions for SAIL interfaces to allow for user interaction on the SAIL, such as sorting or paging through a grid.

    With() differs from the load() function because it recalculates the local variable values when the expression is re-evaluated.

    If an expression requires multiple evaluations of a complex value, you can use the with() function to define the value as a local variable, so it's only evaluated once.
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