I created a view that includes a calculated field which came in with a type '

Certified Senior Developer
I created a view that includes a calculated field which came in with a type 'bigint(21)' that I can't seem to change. I'm trying to create a data type for this view but I can't seem to get it mapped correctly. I tried to make this field a 'bigint' in the xsd file using the jpa notation. I can create the data type but when I add it to the data store and try verifying the mapping, I get this error:

A type mapping annotation is invalid: identifier mapping has wrong number of columns: IPSActiveUsersVDT2506 type: integer (MappingException) (APNX-2-4055-000)

Here's my xsd file (note: I tried deleting the first jpa notation associated with the 'id' and also tried to remove the primary key on 'nbrActiveTeams' in the data type since that's not a primary key but so far nothing's helped.

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" xmlns:tns="urn:com:appian:types" targetNamespace="urn:com:appian:types">
<xsd:complexType name="IPS_ActiveUser...



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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Yes to your first question. I removed the @Id annotation on 'id' - just did that again and left it where it is for the nbrActiveTeams column and got this error:
    A type mapping annotation is invalid: identifier mapping has wrong number of columns: IPSActiveUsersVDT2507 type: integer (MappingException) (APNX-2-4055-000)
    If it leave it on the 'id' but take it away from the nbrActiveTeams column, I get this error:
    The data source schema does not match the type mappings: Wrong column type in Appian.ipsactiveusers_v for column nbractiveteams. Found: bigint, expected: integer (APNX-2-4056-000)
    Tried to use the cast(...as int) but that didn't seem to work
    CAST(count(`c`.`id`) AS INT) I get a syntax error.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Yes to your first question. I removed the @Id annotation on 'id' - just did that again and left it where it is for the nbrActiveTeams column and got this error:
    A type mapping annotation is invalid: identifier mapping has wrong number of columns: IPSActiveUsersVDT2507 type: integer (MappingException) (APNX-2-4055-000)
    If it leave it on the 'id' but take it away from the nbrActiveTeams column, I get this error:
    The data source schema does not match the type mappings: Wrong column type in Appian.ipsactiveusers_v for column nbractiveteams. Found: bigint, expected: integer (APNX-2-4056-000)
    Tried to use the cast(...as int) but that didn't seem to work
    CAST(count(`c`.`id`) AS INT) I get a syntax error.
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