Getting "Invalid function document" Error When Opening Task

I am getting the following error when a user attempts to open certain tasks:

Error Evaluating UI Expression
Expression evaluation error in rule 'nod_uiformtaskcoordinateresolution' at function 'apply' [line 227]: Invalid function document

Line 227 is below. All it is doing is retrieving the name field for the document. There is a name in the database. It works sometimes and then it gives the error above in certain situations. When I compare the record in the database between one that is working vs. one that is not, I don't see any difference. Any one encounter this before?

224 a!gridTextColumn(
225 label: cons!NOD_DOCUMENT_NAME,
226 field: "docId_int",
227 data: apply(fn!document, local!docsPage.docId_int, "name"),
228 alignment: "LEFT",
229 links: apply(a!documentDownloadLink(document: _), index(local!docsPage, "docId_int", {}))
230 ),



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