Hi, I am trying to render a dropdown from a constant of type group (List) using

Hi, I am trying to render a dropdown from a constant of type group (List) using the below code. It works fine if a user is administrator and it throws "Expression evaluation error in rule 'rule1' at function 'apply' [line 253]: Invalid function group" when the user is just a viewer.

SAIL Code:
label: "Business Group to Work",
choiceLabels: apply(
placeholderLabel: "--Select--",
choiceValues: cons!GROUPS_TO_WORK,
value: ri!groupToAssign,
saveInto: ri!groupToAssign,
required: true,
requiredMessage: "Please select a group to assign the task"

Constant Details:
Type : Group
List: Yes
Values : Approvers; Reviewers; Admins

Please help me in resolving this issue.



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  • @manisht Fair enough re statement 'Opening the group security to all users will defeat the purpose of applying the group security at the first place itself.' That's true.

    I hope you didn't get the context in which I posed the question. My question isn't exactly about the dropdown component or the values it holds, but infact it's a question about visibility of the Group objects whose security is Closed. So far I have come across many scenarios where users who are not actually the part of process also tends to see what's going on in the process. Well, I would like to present you a scenario and I would be glad to hear your thoughts - Let's say I have an application and further let's say I have some instances launched as a part of the application and let's assume that each process has its own dynamic groups which are created as part of process and populated later on and only the users present in these dynamic groups will be able to complete the tasks in the life cycle of the corresponding processes. Ideally I would like to lock down the security of the dynamic groups created per process so that they aren't visible outside of the process and also these groups aren't needed outside the process infact. So far this is good. Now let's say I do have a group called 'Super Users', a static group which sits at the top in the Application's security hierarchy, but has nothing to do in the Application except to see how things are going on in the Application. Now let's say I want to show the Tasks Report on all processes in the Application. Ideally Task Report contains Task Assignees(tp!assignees) which are nothing but the dynamic groups created in the processes as specified by me earlier. Now if a user from Super User Group tries to access the report, an error will be surfaced because the security of the dynamic groups in the process is Closed. Now could you please let me know how I can overcome this without opening the security? We couldn't simply turn down the requirement saying that users from Super User Group can't see the Task Assignees values (could be by implementing the getgroupbyname() as specified by you and thereby specifying null content) in the Task Report as they are not a part of the process because logically the Super User Group sits at the top in application's security hierarchy as specified before.
  • @manisht Fair enough re statement 'Opening the group security to all users will defeat the purpose of applying the group security at the first place itself.' That's true.

    I hope you didn't get the context in which I posed the question. My question isn't exactly about the dropdown component or the values it holds, but infact it's a question about visibility of the Group objects whose security is Closed. So far I have come across many scenarios where users who are not actually the part of process also tends to see what's going on in the process. Well, I would like to present you a scenario and I would be glad to hear your thoughts - Let's say I have an application and further let's say I have some instances launched as a part of the application and let's assume that each process has its own dynamic groups which are created as part of process and populated later on and only the users present in these dynamic groups will be able to complete the tasks in the life cycle of the corresponding processes. Ideally I would like to lock down the security of the dynamic groups created per process so that they aren't visible outside of the process and also these groups aren't needed outside the process infact. So far this is good. Now let's say I do have a group called 'Super Users', a static group which sits at the top in the Application's security hierarchy, but has nothing to do in the Application except to see how things are going on in the Application. Now let's say I want to show the Tasks Report on all processes in the Application. Ideally Task Report contains Task Assignees(tp!assignees) which are nothing but the dynamic groups created in the processes as specified by me earlier. Now if a user from Super User Group tries to access the report, an error will be surfaced because the security of the dynamic groups in the process is Closed. Now could you please let me know how I can overcome this without opening the security? We couldn't simply turn down the requirement saying that users from Super User Group can't see the Task Assignees values (could be by implementing the getgroupbyname() as specified by you and thereby specifying null content) in the Task Report as they are not a part of the process because logically the Super User Group sits at the top in application's security hierarchy as specified before.
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