We are having problems using our webservices from Appian. It imports the WS

We are having problems using our webservices from Appian.
It imports the WSDL, shows all the end points, shows all the methods, but when we pick a method, we get the following error:
"The following error occurred during the creation of the message schemas: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the primary data source. No types have been imported. Cause: The type {schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../}Array is referenced, but is not defined in the XSD. (APNX-1-4050-002)"

The WSDL is generated by Visual Studio (.NET 3.5 web service). The services work fine with other clients, just not Appian. Any ideas/suggestions?



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  • Judge away, but I am the owner of the web service.
    The WSDL is automatically generated by Visual Studio and we have never needed to change it manually in the past.
    The line you mentioned: "<s:import namespace="schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../>" is already present in the generated WSDL.

    I'm quite comfortable with the link in the article you posted. Just not really clear from the article where that code goes and how it links to the .asmx file, which is the front of the web service.
  • Judge away, but I am the owner of the web service.
    The WSDL is automatically generated by Visual Studio and we have never needed to change it manually in the past.
    The line you mentioned: "<s:import namespace="schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../>" is already present in the generated WSDL.

    I'm quite comfortable with the link in the article you posted. Just not really clear from the article where that code goes and how it links to the .asmx file, which is the front of the web service.
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